Rockford School Sign

Drive Thru Rockford School Picture Day Thursday, November 5

Drive Thru

Rockford School Picture Day

Thursday, November 5

A- L 8:00 - 10:00 & M-Z 10:00 - 12:00

Only students will be allowed out of the vehicle.  Parents will pull into the circle drive, drop their child off in front of the cafeteria and then park in the parking lot south of the cafeteria.  A staff member will guide your child(ren) to the picture area. After his/her picture is taken, a staff member will see that he/she is taken safely to your vehicle.

Students must wear a mask until the photographer asks him/her to take it off for the picture.  The area will be sanitized after each student  has his/her picture taken. 

There is a flyer on the website for ordering pictures. You may order them ahead of time online, bring the completed order form the day of pictures, or order online after pictures are taken.  Order forms are available in a box outside the front gate. If you have any questions please call the school office.

There will be no morning classes on that day.  

All classes for the day will be from 1:00 - 1:30.